Friday, March 23, 2012

ODBC connection prompting for 'sa' password

We use Pivot Tables in Excel to provide users with reports. The Pivot Tables connect to SQL Server via an ODBC connection. In the ODBC connection, SQL Server authentication is specified and the 'sa' user name and password are entered. In prior versions
of Excel, the password would be saved in the Pivot Table. However, in Excel 2003 the user is prompted to enter the 'sa' password in order for the pivot table to update. Is there a way to have Excel 2003 pivot tables function as they did in prior versio
ns so that the password in the ODBC connection does not have to be re-entered?
Don't know much about Excel. But can you create another account (not sa)
to access the DB? This way you can keep your sa password secret.
Mike wrote:

> We use Pivot Tables in Excel to provide users with reports. The Pivot Tables connect to SQL Server via an ODBC connection. In the ODBC connection, SQL Server authentication is specified and the 'sa' user name and password are entered. In prior versio
ns of Excel, the password would be saved in the Pivot Table. However, in Excel 2003 the user is prompted to enter the 'sa' password in order for the pivot table to update. Is there a way to have Excel 2003 pivot tables function as they did in prior vers
ions so that the password in the ODBC connection does not have to be re-entered?
Eric Li

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